CTAD, in partnership with the police departments of Bannockburn, Deerfield, Highland Park, Highwood and Riverwoods have gathered important information for young drivers and their families. You can download the brochure in English and Spanish to print and share:
Download Local Laws for New Drivers
Descargar Leyes Locales Para Conductores Nuevos
For more information, please check out our other resources below:

Drinking & Drugged Driving
Drugged driving is being under the influence of substances such as cannabis, heroin, and prescription medications—as well as sleep aids and other over the counter drugs.
- The use of alcohol, marijuana or other drugs impairs the ability to safely drive.
- Reaction time is slower.
- Decision making is slower.
- Peripheral vision is diminished
- Attention to driving conditions & other traffic is decreased.
- Each of the five local communities has a zero tolerance policy for underage drinking and possession of alcohol. No blood alcohol level is allowed. Those caught face possible arrest, fines, towed car, notification of parents, court or administrative hearings, and loss of driver’s license.
- License suspension can result from underage drinking arrests whether driving or at a party.
Safety Data
- Vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death among young people aged 16 to 19.
- 6 out of 10 highway deaths between ages 16-20 are alcohol related.
- In fatal crashes involving one car, 2/3 of drivers are legally intoxicated.
- In a study of driver deaths across six states, 28% of drivers tested positive for drugs. Of those, 12% tested positive for marijuana and 5% for opioids.
Curfew & Graduated Licenses
- The license of a teen under 18 is invalid after curfew. A teen may be subject to arrest for driving without a license, and insurance coverage may cease.
- For the first 12 months of licensing or until 18 years of age, drivers may have no more than one passenger under the age of 20, excluding siblings.
- 5 Communities Curfew for Teens Under 18 (17 in Highwood): Sun-Thur: 11pm; Fri-Sat: Midnight. (Illinois driving curfew is one hour earlier). Teens may not be in public unless with a parent or traveling to/from work. Other exceptions apply in each community. Curfew lifts at 6am. Deerfield curfew is an hour earlier for teens under 16.
Cell Phones & Electronic Devices
- Driving with earphones in both ears is not allowed.
- Per state law, use of any electronic device, including cell phones, GPS and iPods, while driving is not allowed. You may use a hands-free system.
- In Illinois, drivers under 19 may not use a cell phone or text while driving. This prohibition includes hands free use as well.
Cost of Impaired Driving
- Loss of driving privileges
- Loss or damage of vehicle
- Increased cost of insurance: $1,900 + Cost of DUI fines: $2,500 or more
- Cost of lawyer: $5,000 + A collision can result in the injury, disablement or death of the driver, their friends, or someone else.
Illinois State Consequences
Possession, Consumption, Purchase, or Receipt of Alcohol by a Minor
Six month suspension for 1st conviction, one year for second, and license revocation for subsequent violations.
Transportation of Alcohol in an Automobile by a Person under 21
Anyone in the car can be fined up to $1,000. The driver faces mandatory one-year suspension and $1,000 fine.
Underage DUI/Driving Under the Influence Conviction
First conviction may result in up to one year in jail, $2,500 fine and/or 2 year revocation of license. Second conviction may also result in revocation of license until age 21, jail, or community service.
Fake IDS
The State of Illinois has the authority to suspend or revoke driving privileges, without a conviction, of any person who violates the laws governing fake IDs and driver licenses.
For more information on Illinois fake I.D. laws, please see this fact sheet from the Illinois Secretary of State.
Ways to Stay Safe
- Wear a seat belt on every trip.
- Use a hands-free phone system, pull over to use your phone, or ask a passenger to do the texting/calling.
- Know who and what is in your car. If it’s in your car, it belongs to you.
- Pledge never to ride with someone who has been drinking.
- Before going out, make a pact with friends to not drink or use other drugs.
- Agree on a code word or symbol to text a parent or other adult to let them know you need a safe ride home.
- File your emergency contacts with the Secretary of State.
- Share this information with friends.