DHS & HPHS teens want parents to know:
- 59% of students prefer going to teen parties/events without alcohol there*
- 70% prefer going to teen parties/events without marijuana there*
- 26% of alcohol at parties is purchased with a fake ID and 24% is provided by a parent*
* Delta After Party Survey of 181 DHS & HPHS students, November 2021
This tool kit is a one-stop resource for parents/guardians to help your child feel safer–and be safer–in social situations.

Teen-Approved Activities & Venues
Select a unique activity or venue from this list approved by DHS & HPHS teens.

Advice from DHS & HPHS Students
DHS teens share what they think about alcohol and marijuana at parties, how it gets there and how to prevent it. (11 minute YouTube video)

Teen Parties: Tips for Parents
Consider these suggestions to keep teens safe when you host a party, your teen attends one or you’re away.
Consejos para las fiestas de adolescentes (español)

Sample Parent Email
Email parents ahead to lay the ground rules and reinforce your expectations as the party host.
Ejemplo del correo electrónico (español)

Festive Drink Recipes
Serve up a festive, alcohol-free signature drink.
Recetas de bebidas divertidas (español)

Alcohol & Teens Parent Guide
Get the facts on fake I.D.s, identify if your teen is at risk, and get advice on answering their tough questions.
El alcohol y los adolescentes-Guía para los padres (español)

Marijuana & Teens Parent Guide
Find out more about different forms of marijuana and how teens get their hands on it.
La marihuana y los adolescentes-Guía para los padres (español)

Local Laws for New Drivers
Make sure your teen knows the laws about curfew, graduated licenses, impaired driving and use of cell phones while driving.
Leyes locales para nuevos conductores (español)

CTAD Fact Sheets & Resources
Access fact sheets tailored for our community by local parents like you. (English & Spanish available)
“Set expectations ahead of time so that you and your child are on the same page.”
“Have a parent check teens in at the beginning of a party. This is a great way to lower substance use because it shows attendees that you are present and paying attention to what is going on.”
“It’s important to have open and honest conversations with your teen to right size expectations.”
– Students in Delta program