CTAD started creating our own awareness campaigns in 2018 because it’s so hard to find materials that don’t use scare tactics. While it’s tempting to focus on the negative consequences of underage alcohol and marijuana use, research shows that fear appeals can inadvertently have the opposite effect on many teens. It’s actually more effective to move youth towards something positive than away from something negative. CTAD strives to create positive and inclusive materials that empower youth to make drug-free choices.
Want to use a CTAD campaign in your own community?
- Digital, editable files available in English and Spanish at a reasonable cost. Click here for more information.
- To request a presentation/workshop on creating effective drug prevention materials that are positive, inclusive and empowering, contact info@communitytheantidrug.org or 224-765-CTAD.

Drug-Free Because YOU CARE
2024 – 2025
Topic: Alcohol & Marijuana Prevention
Audience: High School Students
Created By: CTAD Coalition & Delta Youth Advisory Board
Media: Large & Small Posters, Digital Monitor Slides
Each poster in the Drug-Free Because YOU CARE campaign highlights one of Search Institute’s 40 Developmental Assets, shown by research to help young people be resilient, avoid risky behaviors and thrive now and in the future. Students in our Delta youth group determined which assets to feature based on intercept survey results, the slogan and images used. The topics include interpersonal skills (being there for friends), sense of purpose (focused on goals), integrity (standing up for their beliefs), service to others (making a difference) and resistance skills. By connecting student values to the benefits of being drug-free, we hope to increase their intrinsic motivation to avoid alcohol and marijuana. Each PSA also has a QR code to information on multiple, free support lines and tip lines available in our community.

2023 – 2024
Topic: Alcohol & Marijuana Prevention
Audience: High School Students
Created By: CTAD Coalition & Delta Youth Advisory Board
Media: Large & Small Posters, Digital Monitor Slides
The MOST OF YOU awareness campaign highlights reasons DHS & HPHS students choose not to drink alcohol or use marijuana. Students in the drug prevention club Delta identified 11 reasons and then surveyed over 500 classmates to determine the top five. Each poster highlights one of these reasons: to keep their body healthy, to follow the law, to stay in control, to perform their best and to be a good role model. Additionally, each ad includes statistics showing that a majority of students are drug-free, think alcohol/marijuana is harmful, wrong to use, and not considered cool. In an effort to support students’ mental health, each poster also includes a 24 hour text support line.

2022 – 2023
Topic: Alcohol & Marijuana Prevention
Audience: High School Students
Created By: CTAD Coalition & Delta Youth Advisory Board
Media: Large & Small Posters, Digital Monitor Slides, T-shirts, Promotional Products
The YOU MATTER awareness campaign reminds students how important they are and why that makes being drug-free important too. The topics of the five PSAs were identified by students in the drug prevention club Delta as reasons students choose to be drug free: their friends, their health, their brain, their future and staying in control. Each ad encourages students who are struggling or worried about a friend to reach out for help from a parent, counselor or 24 hour support line.
Use this campaign in your own community for just $599 (+$99 for Spanish).
Click here for more information or contact info@communitytheantidrug.org or 224-765-CTAD.

You Got This! (Print)
2021 – 2022
Topic: Alcohol & Marijuana Prevention
Audience: High School Students
Created By: CTAD Coalition & Delta Youth Advisory Board
Media: Large & Small Posters, Digital Monitor Slides, Landing Page with Resources, Staff T-shirts, Youth “We Got This” shirts, Promotional Products
The You Got This! campaign continued a second year when students returned to in-person learning. Seven posters were developed with the same topics as the digital ads the previous year: physical health, stress management, studying, community service, relationships and goal setting. The campaign celebrates the strength and resiliency of students, and each ad shares how staying drug-free aligns with their own values. The QR code leads to a web page with multiple resources for each topic.
Use this campaign in your own community for just $869 (+$139 for Spanish).
Click here for more information or contact info@communitytheantidrug.org or 224-765-CTAD.
You Got This! (Digital)
2020 – 2021
Topic: Alcohol & Marijuana Prevention
Audience: High School Students
Created By: CTAD Coalition & Delta Youth Advisory Board
Media: Digital Banner Ads, Landing Page with Resources, T-shirts, Promotional Products
The You Got This! campaign celebrates the strength and resiliency of DHS and HPHS students during challenging times. The digital ads highlight healthy behaviors related to the topics of physical health, stress management, studying, community service, relationships and goal setting. Each ad includes a message on how staying drug-free help students achieve their success. Clicking the ad leads to a web page with multiple resources for each topic.

Talk, Monitor, Secure
2020 – 2021
Topic: Alcohol, Marijuana & Prescription Drug Prevention
Audience: Parents
Created By: CTAD Coalition & Parent Committee
Media: Large & Small Posters, Family Activity Sheets, Social Media Graphics
The Talk, Monitor, Secure campaign encourages parents to talk to their children about underage drug use and provides tips on how to monitor their home supply. While focused on preventing underage drinking, suggested action steps also reference retail marijuana and prescription drugs. Posters are displayed at retail alcohol outlets. Six accompanying social media graphics were shared online and four different family activity sheets were distributed by local restaurants. Each activity sheets featured different puzzles, conversation starters and tips related to “Talk, Monitor, Secure,” while also promoting a free 24/7 support line.
Use a version of this campaign that does not reference the pandemic in your own community for just $399 (+$99 for Spanish).
Click here for more information or contact info@communitytheantidrug.org or 224-765-CTAD.

Festive Fun for Everyone
Topic: Alcohol Prevention
Audience: Community Members, Parents
Created By: CTAD Coalition
Media: Fact Sheet, Drink Recipe Cards, Social Media Graphics
Festive Fun for Everyone materials offer concrete steps party hosts can take to ensure all their guests feel welcome, including those who cannot or choose not to drink alcohol. Festive drink recipes provide ideas for non-alcoholic beverages that are equally (or more) attractive as alcoholic options traditionally served at celebrations. Recipe cards have one alcohol-free drink recipe and the same “festive fun for everyone” suggestions on the back. Four social media graphics were shared online throughout the year to suggest non-alcoholic drinks before holidays and other family celebrations.
Use this campaign in your own community for just $139 (+$29 for Spanish).
Click here for more information or contact info@communitytheantidrug.org or 224-765-CTAD.

Two Truths
2019 – 2020
Topic: Marijuana Prevention
Audience: High School Students
Created by: CTAD Coalition & Catalyst Youth Group
Media: Large & Small Posters
The Two Truths marijuana awareness campaign was designed to encourage high school students to think critically about pro-marijuana messages they often hear in the media. Each poster features two true statements: one seemingly positive statement with which students are already familiar and another which shines a bit more light on the topic. The five posters offer facts, science and credible sources for students to consider regarding the topics of addiction, toxins, media, driving and the law.
Use this campaign in your own community for just $399 (+$99 for Spanish).
Click here for more information or contact info@communitytheantidrug.org or 224-765-CTAD.
You Determine Your Future
2017 – 2019
Topic: Alcohol & Marijuana Prevention, Wellness
Audience: High School Students
Created by: CTAD, GNCY, Lake County Task Force, LEAD, Link Together, Stand Strong & Stand Up
Media: 30-second video PSAs, Staff T-shirts
The You Determine Your Future campaign consists of 20 public service announcements (PSAs) created by a collaboration of seven Drug Free Communities coalitions with 122 years combined drug prevention experience. Effort was made to ensure each PSA highlighted positive choices, stayed fact-based with cited sources, and offered youth a resource, action step or skill.