Keeping our Teens Drug and Alcohol Free


The Help Apps

Safe, anonymous help from a trained counselor 24/7 right from your phone

Lake County Help


Glenbrook Help


Help 24/7

These apps are for community members to use when they need immediate mental health assistance or have a drug/alcohol abuse concern for themselves or a friend. Adults can also use the service to report concerns.


Calls are routed through a cloaking server, so that texters are completely anonymous and teens
have the freedom to reach out for help without fear. In the case of a life-threatening condition, emergency responders will be notified and be given as much information as is available to help the person in need.

Trained Counselors

Users receive an immediate text response from a licensed/certified mental health professional.

No smart phone?

Text “Hello” to
844-823-LEAD  or 844-823-5323

Local Drug Prevention Coalitions

For more resources on alcohol and other drug prevention tailored to your own community, check out these local drug prevention coalitions serving towns in Lake County and Glenview/Northbrook, Illinois. Click their logo to visit their website.

Funding provided in part by Healthcare Foundation of Highland Park and the Office of National Drug Control Policy & Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Content is solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent official views of ONDCP / SAMHSA.