Thank you, parents and guardians! Most of your children make great choices. Now more than ever, our students choose to be alcohol-free and marijuana-free. Teens make decisions based on what they see and experience, and your role modeling makes a big difference in their lives.
CTAD brings you this online resource guide to:
Provide tools that help your child develop their full potential
Help you stay current on teen issues.
Keep up the good work!

Source: Illinois Youth Survey, March 2022 (1,797 DHS & HPHS students) and March 2014 (1,496 DHS & HPHS students). Non-use rates based on students reporting no use of alcohol or marijuana 30 days prior to the survey. Perceived coolness is percent of students who said there was some chance, a pretty good chance, or very good chance they’d be seen as cool if they used alcohol or marijuana.

Age-Appropriate Talking Tips
Know the best ages to start talking, to be vigilant and to set limits with these talking tips for:
Elementary School
Middle School
High School

5 Conversation Goals
Stay on track in a variety of scenarios with these guidelines for talking to kids of all ages

When You're Concerned
Identify potential warning signs that your child might be using drugs and what steps to take.

Teen-Approved Party Tool Kit
Visit this one-stop resource to help teens and tweens feel safer–and be safer–at social gatherings.

Local Laws for New Drivers
Make sure your teen knows the laws about curfew, graduated licenses, impaired driving and use of cell phones while driving.
Leyes locales para nuevos conductores (español)

Local Resources for Teens & Families
Check this comprehensive list of organizations to help with behavioral health needs.

Alcohol & Teens Parent Guide
Get the facts on fake I.D.s, identify if your teen is at risk, and get advice on answering their tough questions.
El alcohol y los adolescentes-Guía para los padres (español)

Marijuana & Teens Parent Guide
Find out more about different forms of marijuana and how teens get their hands on it.
La marihuana y los adolescentes-Guía para los padres (español)

Vaping: a Parent’s Guide
Know why teens vape, why parents should be concerned and the warning signs that your child may be vaping.
Vapeo: Guia Para Padres (español)

Alcohol Facts
Learn about the impact of alcohol on youth, the social pressures they face and refusal skills youth can use.
Información Sobre el Alcohol (español)

Marijuana Facts
Understand marijuana’s impact on youth, the risks of drugged driving and IL marijuana law.
Información Sobre la Marihuana (español)

Vaping Facts
Improve your vaping knowledge--what chemicals they contain and how they can alter a teen’s brain chemistry.
Despejando El Vapor (español)