We’re back–with a new name
Just over six years ago, in partnership with Districts 106, 109, 112, 113, and the private schools in those communities, Parents. The Anti-Drug sent out its first monthly email. For several years, these monthly emails provided information and advice on how we can keep our children drug and alcohol-free. Some of you may be familiar with those emails while many of you may be seeing them for the first time as your children progress further in their education. Our name is now Community The Anti-Drug, to reflect the joining of multiple community forces in our mission. With our newly enhanced organization, we felt it was important to re-introduce ourselves and welcome those of you who are new to these correspondences.
Who we are
We are a community organization comprised of parents, local government, school officials, clergy, and healthcare providers, who have come together (or joined forces) because of a shared concern about the health, success, and future of each child in our community. Our previous organizational form is now just a part of a much larger, more resourceful network of leaders with the same goal of protecting our kids and helping them make safe choices as they mature.
Why we do what we do
We know that preventing underage drinking and drug use is not an easy task, and there are many challenges that parents and children face along the way. However, through our messages and programs, and our partnerships with area schools, agencies, and leaders, we hope to empower parents with the knowledge and the resources they need to overcome some of those obstacles.
Nobody holds their newborn for the first time and dreams of the day when their precious child will experiment with drugs and alcohol. We hope to keep those early dreams we all had for our children fresh and at the forefront of our collective consciousness to frame our efforts with regard to their exposure to drugs and alcohol.
We have learned that:
* Alcohol is the leading factor in the three most common causes of death for teens: car crashes, homicides, and suicides.
* Alcohol and drug use can cause teens to develop social problems, have poor judgment, get into trouble, do poorly in school, and experience failure in achieving lifelong goals.
* Underage drinking can cause permanent damage to a teen’s brain and increases the risk of addiction to alcohol.
Local and national data have proven that parents are the strongest influence on their child’s decisions regarding drugs and alcohol. We will strive to provide parents with the tools to successfully discourage drinking and drug use.
If you have questions, comments or want to join our efforts, please contact us via email at community.theantidrug@gmail.