Keeping our Teens Drug and Alcohol Free

Talk, Monitor & Secure:

Help Your Child Stay Drug-Free

Ways to help teens stay drug-free: talk, monitor & secureFor students, summer is a welcome break from school work and schedules but not necessarily from social pressures. The start of summer is a great time to set clear, no-use expectations with ongoing age-appropriate conversations.

Help make the drug-free choice the easier choice for your kids with the following:

TALK about healthy ways to cope with stress while enjoying a fun activity.
MONITOR supplies of alcohol, marijuana and/or prescription medications in your home. Check inventory and consider marking a line on bottles: not to “catch them” or their friends, but to deter them.
SECURE alcohol and other drugs in a locked space or file cabinet to reduce temptation and to protect friends visiting your child.
Reach out to parents of your child’s friends. Over 92% of DHS & HPHS parents are NOT okay with teen drinking.*

Conversation starters in CTAD’s Family Resource Guide (English) and en español can help you navigate many topics.

*Source: CTAD Parent Survey, 2022