Keeping our Teens Drug and Alcohol Free

Teaching Your Child to Stand Up for Themselves

60 Second Conversation Starter

We can teach our kids from an early age how to stand up for what they believe in by encouraging them to speak up in respectful ways. Here are 5 ways to show this behavior in action:

Help your child put their thoughts into words — Have conversations about subjects they care about. It is great practice for discussions with friends or others who may disagree with their views.

Educate yourself and your child — Learn different viewpoints and the importance of evidence-based facts so your child can be confident in defending what they believe.

Show your child your activism — This could take the form of marching peacefully or filling out a voting ballot. When it’s not obvious to them, tell them what you’re doing or what you’ve done in the past.

Prepare your child for disagreements — Tell them it’s OK, and even a good thing, to meet someone who disagrees with their views or is indifferent. It’s a great way to learn about others’ positions, faith, culture, etc. 

Remind them to lead conversations with respect and kindness — Kids see first hand how unproductive disrespectful dialogue can be, so model speaking to your child and others with respect no matter how frustrating it may be at times!

Here are 5 conversation goals that can help in having those 60 second conversations with your child.

Conversation starters in CTAD’s Family Resource Guide (English) and en español can help you navigate many topics.