Delta Drug Free Youth Coalition

Keeping Kids Safe is a Group Responsibility

A new school year means new friends and navigating new social circles for children and their parents. The expected questions parents ask other parents before a playdate or get together include food allergies, family pets, and whether an adult will be home. The same conversation can include questions on alcohol, marijuana and gun safety. Similar to how CTAD suggests asking if alcohol or marijuana in the home is locked away, BeSMART recommends asking if a family owns guns, and if so, how they are stored. Making this part of the same conversation helps normalize the topics and lessen the taboo.

It may feel awkward to have this conversation with other parents, but remember, you’re not questioning why they have a gun or marijuana, you’re just confirming they are stored securely. Here are some tips for asking about gun storage.

Guns are currently the number one killer of children in America, and researchers estimate that roughly 30 million American children live in homes with firearms—up 7 million since 2015. When guns aren’t properly stored, tragedy can strike if a child finds a firearm and harms themselves or others, either intentionally or accidentally.

Our kids know more than we think, so it’s also important to ask your kids what they know and ensure your message is age-appropriate. Here are tips for talking to kids about guns and CTAD’s age-appropriate talking tips about drugs.

These simple ‘Be SMART’ steps were designed for both gun owners and non-gun owners alike, and are also applicable to alcohol or marijuana in the home:

  • Secure all guns in homes and vehicles 
  • Model responsible behavior around guns
  • Ask about the presence of unsecured firearms in homes your child visits
  • Recognize the role of guns in suicide
  • Tell your peers to Be SMART

As parents, our main concern is keeping our kid(s) safe, but every adult plays a role in keeping ALL kids safe.

Jenner O’Hagan & Ellen Gebel

BeSMART Co-Leads for Deerfield, Highland Park & Highwood.

For additional info/resources on gun safety, please visit BeSMART For Kids or email Jenner O’Hagan at

Check out CTAD’s “Talk, Monitor, Secure” tips specific to home supplies of alcohol and marijuana.

Photo caption: Lauren Brown and Jenner O’Hagan at DPS 109’s Community Well-Being & Safety Night at Shepard Middle School.