Delta Drug Free Youth Coalition

Farewell from CTAD’s Executive Director Barbara de Nekker

2018 National Coalition Academy graduation in D.C. with CTAD staff and officers Michelle Culver, Barbara de Nekker, Minelle Amezquita and Catherine SpencerAfter more than 8 years as Executive Director, I’m writing with the sad news that my time with CTAD is coming to an end. Due to personal circumstances, I’ve been working remotely from the Netherlands for quite some time. I’m beyond thankful for CTAD’s Executive Board being supportive of this and to CTAD Coordinator Lindsay Sweet for taking care of on-the-ground strategies. Unfortunately, international labor laws prevent this from continuing long-term. The decision is simply out of our hands.

Throughout my time with CTAD, I’ve been continually impressed by community leaders, our schools, parents and students. Their drive to ensure a strong, healthy future for our young people is inspiring. I consider myself fortunate to have had the opportunity to work with them and CTAD’s dedicated volunteers. They brought me personal joy at the same time that we made a positive difference together.

While a selection committee works on hiring a replacement, the Executive Board has asked Erika Berdell to serve as a transitional Executive Director. As CTAD’s (now former) Co-President and with their experience as a prevention specialist, they are well poised to maintain oversight of our grants, finances and programs until the new Executive Director is hired. Read more about Erika below.

Thank you for the opportunity to work with you – and for you. I had a great time and will miss you.

Pictured: National Coalition Academy Graduation in Washington D.C., 2018, with CTAD staff and officers (L-R) Michelle Culver, Barbara de Nekker (center), Minelle Amezquita and Catherine Spencer