Volunteer Spotlights:
Lilly Brandt & Rheanna Hall We celebrate Dr. Lilly Brandt as she retires from her position as DHS assistant principal and as Co-Vice-President of CTAD.
Lilly Brandt & Rheanna Hall We celebrate Dr. Lilly Brandt as she retires from her position as DHS assistant principal and as Co-Vice-President of CTAD.
Summer is here which means kids have more time and opportunities to be on devices. The internet can be wonderful for enhancing kids’ education, but
Help Your Child Stay Drug-Free For students, summer is a welcome break from school work and schedules but not necessarily from social pressures. The start
Working Together for Our Youth CTAD’s 2023 Annual Report (2023 Informe Anual en español) is a colorful compilation of accomplishments, priorities and photos. We celebrate
Even During Summer Students who are struggling or worried about a friend are encouraged to talk to a counselor, parent, or other trusted adult. When
Mailing Address:
433 Vine Ave., Highland Park IL 60035
Office Locations:
Deerfield & Highland Park High Schools
Phone: 224-765-CTAD (224-765-2823)
Email: info@communitytheantidrug.org
Anyone who sends a text message “224HELP” or “224AYUDAME” to 844-823-LEAD (844-823-5323) will receive an immediate text response from a trained, professional counselor provided by LEAD (Linking Efforts Against Drugs)