Delta Drug Free Youth Coalition

Espresso Yourself and Help us a Latte (for a Latte)

Take this survey in less than 10 minutes and be entered in a drawing for a $10 Starbucks gift card! Five randomly selected parents will each receive one. Results help CTAD tailor resources for our community.

Click here for the English survey and la encuesta en español.

Starting this year, CTAD will only offer the parent survey every other year, so NOW is the time to espresso your voice or hold your latte until 2024!

From the 2021 CTAD parent survey:

  • Most DHS & HPHS parents ask their teen where they’re going, who they’ll be with & what they’re doing.
  • While 80% of parents say they talk with their teen about alcohol and drugs, only half of their students say their parents talk to them about it. (2020 Illinois Youth Survey)