Delta Drug Free Youth Coalition

District 113 Deans Committed to Our Students

As Deans of District 113, we are committed to guiding our students toward healthy choices and becoming role models in the schools and community. We encourage our students to maintain a healthy lifestyle to reach their maximum potential. We believe it’s important to work together with the community in order for our students to understand the importance of a drug-free lifestyle.

Communication is key to help prevent early substance use. Here are ideas to try at home:

  • Have positive and frequent conversations
    Keep an open mind set
  • Find teaching opportunities
  • Ask open ended questions
  • Validate their feelings when they open up to you
  • Offer empathy and demonstrate understanding
  • Encourage activities they love to do

Signs that it may be time to intervene:

  • Change in behavior
  • Sudden change in friends
  • Less openness and honesty
  • Change in attitude toward family
  • Declining grades and school attendance (10% of high schoolers earning As currently use marijuana, compared to 48% of those earning Ds or Fs.)

While most DHS and HPHS students choose not to use alcohol or marijuana, national studies show that 43.7% of 12th graders have tried marijuana in their lifetime and 35.2% in the last year.

Both Deerfield and Highland Park High Schools offer an array of resources to assist students in making healthy choices, including but not limited to counselors, psychologists, social workers, deans, coaches, and any other trusted staff members. During homeroom and health classes, we discuss the topics of drug awareness and prevention. We have a contract with Rosecrance to offer our students and their families prevention strategies when they’re faced with the pressures of drugs and alcohol.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to any one of us.
Gail Gausselin, DHS Dean
Josue Jimenez, DHS Dean
Claudia Lopez, HPHS Dean
Don McCord, HPHS Dean
Bryan Rome, HPHS Dean

Sources: The Recovery Village (2021) & Teenage Drug Use Statistics [2022]: Data & Trends on Abuse