How Will You Celebrate the Holidays?
Delta Students Find Healthy Ways Lille Ochs enjoys a hot chocolate while braving the elements. Yaneli Betancourt and other HPHS Delta members displayed prevention messages
Delta Students Find Healthy Ways Lille Ochs enjoys a hot chocolate while braving the elements. Yaneli Betancourt and other HPHS Delta members displayed prevention messages
Festive Fun for All! Longing for the Radio City Rockettes and other annual New York City holiday traditions? New York Slices, a Highland Park pizzeria
Local Restaurants Support Drug-Free Youth CTAD partnered with popular, family-friendly restaurants to distribute four different versions of activity sheets with puzzles, games, family conversation starters, prevention messages
Spread Goodness to Others Research shows that expressing gratitude has a wide range of benefits, including: Reducing stress and anxiety Boosting mood Re-focusing on what
Mailing Address:
433 Vine Ave., Highland Park IL 60035
Office Locations:
Deerfield & Highland Park High Schools
Phone: 224-765-CTAD (224-765-2823)
Email: info@communitytheantidrug.org