Pandemic Ads Target Youth
It’s Not Just Advertising Industries Target Underage Youth Below are marketing strategies that directly impact youth. Some may surprise you. Pandemic Marketing The vaping industry
It’s Not Just Advertising Industries Target Underage Youth Below are marketing strategies that directly impact youth. Some may surprise you. Pandemic Marketing The vaping industry
DHS & HPHS students in Delta kicked off the school year with a virtual youth activism training. The interactive, online training consists of six sessions
Consideration of Retail Marijuana Ordinance The Zoning Commission of the Highland Park City Council drafted an ordinance that allows retail marijuana sales in the city’s
Like most events this year, Halloween will look very different. Whether you have a second grader obsessed with STEM experiments, a kindergartner who loves squishy
If you are concerned about your child’s online exposure to ads and images glorifying unhealthy and risky behaviors, consider re-framing the conversation by taking yourself
Mailing Address:
433 Vine Ave., Highland Park IL 60035
Office Locations:
Deerfield & Highland Park High Schools
Phone: 224-765-CTAD (224-765-2823)
Email: info@communitytheantidrug.org