Delta Drug Free Youth Coalition

Teen Vaping in Lake County

60 Second Conversation Starter

When it comes to vaping, the 2020 Illinois Youth published data shows that in Lake County:

A large majority of 10th and 12th graders in Lake County do not vape.
18% of 12th graders and 10% of 10th graders vaped in the past 30 days.
Among those who use marijuana, vaping is the preferred method of use among 10th graders, and the second preferred method of use among 12th graders.

There is some very good news to share as it relates to perceived risk for harm among surveyed students:

  • 80% of 10th graders and 72% of 12th graders think it’s wrong or very wrong to vape.
  • 70% of 10th graders and 60% of 12th graders felt their friends would think it’s wrong or very wrong if they vaped.
  • And, over 95% of students in ALL age groups perceived their parents would disapprove if they vaped.

Since parents are the #1 influence in a teen’s decision not to use alcohol or other substances, it’s important to arm yourself with credible information, keep an open dialogue, avoid criticism and lecture, and allow a conversation to evolve over time.

A natural versus forced (“We need to talk…”) conversation will increase the chances your teen will listen and keep an open mind. Look for opportunities (passing a vape shop, watching a YouTube video with someone vaping) to start a conversation when both of you can be engaged and not on the defensive.

How to talk to your teen about vaping offers additional tips to starting conversations and answering your teen’s questions about substance use.

It’s not one 60-minute conversation.
It’s 60 one-minute conversations.