Delta Drug Free Youth Coalition

How Our Teens Say They Get Alcohol

  • Before the pandemic, DHS and HPHS teens reported that the top 5 ways they obtain alcohol include:
  • Party
  • Friend
  • My parents with their permission
  • My parents without their permission
  • Older siblings

In addition, 5% of our high school students reported using a fake ID to get alcohol and 9% reported owning one. Among seniors, these numbers almost double, with 22% owning a fake ID.

With small gatherings resuming, drinking at parties may become an issue again. And with college starting next month, some students may consider purchasing a fake ID online. Consider talking with your teens about the impact alcohol has on their developing brain, how drinking at a young age increases chances of addiction later in life, and the importance of staying alert for safety.

The good news: over 70% of seniors believe it’s wrong or very wrong for someone their age to use a fake ID. To help get the conversation going, consider asking your teen what they think about fake IDs and what they know about them. Get more facts on fake IDs and what parents can do from former Bannockburn Police Chief Ron Price.

Source: 2018 Illinois Youth Survey of 2,793 Deerfield & Highland Park High School students