Delta Drug Free Youth Coalition

DHS & HPHS Students Make the Most Out of Quarantine

Every six months, students in the Delta drug prevention group survey their peers at DHS & HPHS on their attitudes about alcohol and marijuana. This time they also chose to ask about quarantine.

Results show that while some students are struggling, many are making the most out of quarantine. At the end of May, 437 DHS and HPHS students completed the survey. They reported that since quarantine started:

  • 48% spend more time on creative things like drawing, coloring, writing & music
  • 54% get more sleep
  • 61% have more fun with their families
  • 71% feel less or about the same amount of stress & anxiety

Not unexpectedly, 73% of students reported feeling bored more often since quarantine started. For ideas to help them thwart boredom in healthy ways, see the article below with a list of “awesome things to do this summer.”

Special thanks to DHS & HPHS physical education departments for helping facilitate these surveys.