Delta Drug Free Youth Coalition

QuaranTEEN tips from DHS Student

I hope all families are staying healthy and focusing on what matters the most. While these past few weeks have been trying, we are all in this together.

As Delta members we are trained in stress management and have brainstormed ways to keep ourselves and our families healthy and stress-free. We understand that clubs and other school activities are not possible right now, and that’s OK.

Some helpful ways we release stress and take healthy breaks from online classes include:

  • Journaling
  • Playing a board game/working on a puzzle as a family
  • Exercising (going for a walk/run)
  • Watching a funny video
  • Listening to our favorite music

We’re a strong, caring community and we’ll get through this together!

Nicole Mlynski
Delta DHS Member

Delta students continue spreading positive drug awareness from home. In this video PSA, HPHS Delta student Olivia Alvarez shares what students should know about Illinois marijuana law.

Delta seeks to bring about positive change by inspiring their peers and building a supportive culture. For more information, contact Mr. Mitran or Ms. Micheles at DHS or Ms. Wichner at HPHS.