Delta Drug Free Youth Coalition

Parenting Middle Schoolers in a Pandemic

Children are dealing with uncertainty over the pandemic and a magnified sense of loss for all of those milestone activities, special ceremonies and rites of passage.

Listen to what your child says. Acknowledge and empathize with how they feel and the losses they grieve, even if they may seem insignificant to you. Here is how you might consider responding:

“I agree it stinks that you’re missing (your soccer season/graduation/prom/friend’s birthday/ ______). Everyone is suffering loss on some level. Somehow we’ll get through this together.”

Look at it as an opportunity to create new memories, and since many ceremonies will be online, perhaps more family members and friends can attend virtually than would otherwise be able to. Additional tips:

  • Keep to a routine for yourself and your family
  • Respect your child’s privacy and space
  • Find quality time as a family, away from screens
  • Be kind to yourself
  • Show patience with each other

It’s not one 60-minute conversation.
It’s 60 one-minute conversations.