Delta Drug Free Youth Coalition

Parenting in a Pandemic

60 Second Conversation Starters about Anxiety & Social Distancing

Here are resources to help you navigate the uncharted territory in which we now find ourselves and how to talk to your children about it.

Coping with the stress of an infectious disease outbreak – This resource addresses the anxiety you and your children may be feeling about the COVID-19 situation and some healthy ways to manage it. (SAMHSA, U.S. Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration)

10 talking tips about COVID-19 for parents or caregivers feeling unsure about what to share, how much to say and ways to navigate COVID-19. (PBS News Hour)

Calm Down Resources for Young Children – This list of resources may help you shorten your journey to finding peace and calm in your home. (Wendy Bertagnole’s Everyday Solutions for Challenging Behavior)

Quarenteenagers: Strategies for Parenting in Close Quarters provides five concrete tips on how to help teens navigate their own set of worries and losses as they watch events get canceled or at best postponed. (New York Times)

Resources for Families during the Coronavirus Pandemic – Information on a variety of topics including how to explain the news to kids, apps to keep your children moving, and keeping kids focused on e-learning. (Common Sense Media)

A few quick tips to keep your teen engaged and connected:

  • Recruit your teens’ help in inventing new ways to arrange days at home
  • Give them privacy and space to stay connected to their friends through social apps
  • Encourage your teen drivers to help grandparents or elderly neighbors who are truly homebound with grocery shopping, pharmacy runs or help around their homes

It’s not one 60-minute conversation.
It’s 60 one-minute conversations.