Delta Drug Free Youth Coalition

Chief Trillhaase: Distracted & Drugged Driving

I began my 35-year law enforcement career with the Seaside Heights, New Jersey Police Department. After a move to the Chicago area and a few years with the Wauconda Police Department, I joined the Deerfield Police Department. I spent 26 years in a variety of positions, including the Traffic Safety Unit. I retired as a Commander in 2015. While working as a part-time officer with the Riverwoods Police Department, I accepted a full-time job with the Bannockburn Police Department. When Chief Ron Price retired, I applied for the position and was proudly sworn in as the Bannockburn Chief of Police June 10, 2019.

Even though fewer people are on the roads right now, it is important to be extra vigilant this month. “4/20” is a date in which many marijuana users celebrate marijuana. While we may not have festivals dedicated to marijuana like other states, it is a day of marijuana promotion, increased use, and a higher likelihood of drugged driving. (More about 4/20 in the article below.)

To keep your family and our roads safe, check out these resources on defensive driving and risky driving as well as my letter on distracted driving and cellphone use.

Stay alert on the roads, and take the pledge together with your kids. Commit to driving phone-free today:

  • Protect lives by never texting or talking on the phone while driving
  • Be a good passenger and speak out if the driver is distracted
  • Encourage friends and family to drive phone-free

Safe travels!

Chief Walter Trillhaase
Bannockburn Chief of Police & CTAD Coalition Member