Delta Drug Free Youth Coalition

Partner Spotlight: Message from Court Williams, Rector at Trinity Episcopal Church

The holidays are once again upon us and our hearts are light as we anticipate the joy of celebrating with friends and family. We love this time of year — all of the parties, the music, the shopping, and the food. It is a time in which we expect joy to fill our lives! We want to get together, put all of our cares on hold, set aside the stresses of everyday living and just have a great time! Unfortunately, this can lead to over imbibing in holiday cheer.

It is important for us to remember that some may struggle during the holiday season — whether it’s job pressures, employment concerns, financial issues, being lonely, depressed or experiencing a time of renewed sadness and separation. Sometimes these struggles can lead to drug or alcohol issues.

We need to keep one another in mind by watching out for each other and ensuring each other’s safety as we celebrate this holiday season. As we plan our holiday get-togethers, we can focus on ways of celebrating which incorporate our family and faith traditions. Looking for ways to include our children and families and reaching out to others during this season can be an enriching and meaningful way to celebrate. Perhaps visiting friends or family members who can no longer get out and taking meals or treats to them can be a new tradition for your family. Family walks, game nights, and movie nights can also be alternatives to adult-focused, alcohol-laden parties.

Whatever your family traditions or faith practices, have a wonderful and safe holiday season!

Reverend Court Williams
Trinity Episcopal Church